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How   to   cite   this   Article:    Samina   Ghulam,   Amjad   Sharif,   Quratulain   Saeed.    PREVALENCE   OF   RISK   FACTORS   ASSOCIATED   WITH   NON- SPECIFIC BACK PAIN AMONG FEMALE PATIENTS IN AFIRM.  Int J Physiother Res 2016;4(6):1714-1718. DOI: 10.16965/ijpr.2016.171.
Type of Article: Original Research DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijpr.2016.171 Page No.:  1714-1718
PREVALENCE OF RISK FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH NON-SPECIFIC BACK PAIN AMONG FEMALE PATIENTS IN AFIRM Samina Ghulam *, Amjad Sharif, Quratulain Saeed. Physiotherapy Department, Armed Forces Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine, Rawalpindi, Pakistan. Address for Correspondence:  Samina Ghulam, Physiotherapy Department, Armed Forces Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine, Rawalpindi, Pakistan. E-Mail:  saminaghulam.sg@gmail.com Abstract: Introduction:    Back   pain   is   a   common   musculoskeletal   disorder   of   world,   the   most   frequent   back   pain   is   known   as   non   –specific   back   pain.   Majority   of   back pain   does   not   require   medical   care   and   resolve   itself   within   days   and   weeks   but   some   recurrent   and   severe   non-   specific   back   pain   need   management   and cure.   The   selection   of   intervention   depends   upon   the   cause   of   back   pain.   The   study   identified   the   association   of   physical   and   psychosocial   factors   and investigated the most frequent causative factor of non – specific back pain in female patients of AFIRM. Materials   and   Methods:    The   cross   sectional   study   was   conducted   in   AFIRM.   The   Keele   Start   Back   pain   screening   tool   was   used   to   collect   data   from   female patients   with   non-specific   back   pain,   who   came   in   physiotherapy   department   of   AFIRM   .The   tool   provided   the   brief   demographic   data   of   subjects   and described the disability and belief about their back pain. The tool is also divided the patients in to sub groups according to the level of risk. Our   study   identified   that   there   is   a   high   prevalence   of   psychosocial   factor   than   physical   factor   in   female   patients   with   non-specific   back   pain   of   AFIRM   and the large number of patients are at high risk than moderate and low risk. Conclusion:    The   research   will   help   to   clinician,   to   select   appropriate   and   accurate   for   cure   and   management   of   back   pain   it   will   also   help   to   prevent   back pain. There   is   a   need   to   conduct   study   in   both   genders   and   in   other   centers   of   region.   The   sample   size   should   be   large   and   study   time   should   be   long.   There   is also need to further identify particular physical and psychosocial factor like anxiety, depression etc KEY WORDS: Back pain, physical factors and psychosocial factors. References 1 . Nordin   NAM,   Singh   DKA,   Kanglun   L.   Low   Back   Pain   and   associated   risk   factors   among   health   science   undergraduates.   Sains   Malaysiana.   2014;43(3):423- 8. 2 . Hartvigsen   L,   Kongsted   A,   Hestbaek   L.   Clinical   examination   findings   as   prognostic   factors   in   low   back   pain:   a   systematic   review   of   the   literature. 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International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research ISSN (O): 2321-1822  ISSN (P): 2321-8975 Volume 4 |Issue 6 |  2016 Date of Publication:  15 November 2016 http://ijmhr.org/ijpr.html editor_physiotherapy@hotmail.com HOME ABOUT US EDITORIAL BOARD AUTHOR GUIDELINES SPECIAL SERVICES CONTACT US