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How   to   cite   this   Article:    Sathiyavani   Dhanakotti,   Amit      Hemanani,   KrishnaMakwana,   khyati   Koisa .   COMPARISON   OF   TRANSCUTANEOUS ELECTRICAL    NERVE    STIMULATION    (TENS)    AND        DRY    NEEDLING    (DN)    TREATMENT    ON        CHORNIC    LOW    BACK    PAIN    PARTICIPANTS:    A RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED STUDY.  Int J Physiother Res 2016;4(6):1749-1756. DOI: 10.16965/ijpr.2016.182.
Type of Article: Original Research DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijpr.2016.182 Page No.:  1749-1756
COMPARISON    OF    TRANSCUTANEOUS    ELECTRICAL    NERVE    STIMULATION    (TENS)    AND        DRY    NEEDLING    (DN)    TREATMENT    ON      CHORNIC LOW BACK PAIN PARTICIPANTS: A RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED STUDY S a th y a v a ni Dhanakotti * 1 ,   Amit  Hemanani 2 , KrishnaMakwana 3 , khyati Koisa 4 . *1  Vice   Prin c ipa , D e a rtm e nt of Mus c u osk e let a l and Sports  P  h y sio h e r a y ,  C.U. Shah P h y sio h r a y   Col e g e , ur e n r a n g a r,    Guj a r a t,    I ndia. 2  lecturer, Sarvodaya College of Physiotherapy, Kalol, Gandhinagar, Guj a r a t,    I ndia. 3  Physiotherapist, Ahmadabad, Guj a r a t,    I ndia. 4  Physiotherapist, Surendranagar, Gujarat, India. Co rre s o nd  i g   Autho r :    Dr.   a th y a v a ni    Dh a a kot i,   PT.,       Vice    Prin c ipa ,   D e a rtm e nt   of   Mus c u osk e let a l   and   Sports    h y sio h e r a y ,      C.U.   Shah   P h y io h e r a y   Col e g e , ur e dr a n g r, G uja r a t,    I ndia       363001 hone   numbe r s: +9 - 88 6849447 E - Mail:    s a th y a v a niphysio@ gmaill .com                           Abstract: Background :   Low   back   pain   (LBP)   is   most   commonly   affects   the   individuals   with   a   lifetime   prevalence   of   60–   70%.   Chronic   low   back   pain   (CLBP)   is   a multidimensional   problem.   There   are   various   treatment   approaches   available   to   CLBP.   Myofacial   trigger   point   was   commonly   found   in   chronic   pain syndrome. Recently, Dry Needling has the more significant emphasis even though other various treatments are available. Objective :   To   compare   the   effectiveness   of   Transcutaneous   electrical   nerve   stimulation   and   Dry   needling   treatment   on   pain,   lumbar   ROM   and   functional disability in chronic low back pain participants. Materials   and   Methods :   A   total   30   chronic   low   back   pain   individuals   were   randomly   assigned   into   three   groups   conventional   physiotherapy   (Control Group),TENS   (Experimental   Group-1);and;   Dry   needling(Experimental   group-2);   n=10   in   each   group.   All   patients   were   treated   for   3weeks   and   improvement was assessed in pain (NPRS) , lumbar range of motion (m.ST) and lumbar functional(m.ODI)used at prior interventions and after 3weeks. Result :   In   this   study   result   showed   that   TENS   group   and   dry   needling(DN)   treatment   group   were   effective   in   all   the   measures   when   compared   to   control group. DN  was more effective in improving lumbar ROM, lumbar functional and reduction of pain when compared to TENS. Conclusion :   The   result   of   the   study   indicates   that   DN   treatment   was   found   to   be   superior   to   TENS   in   improving   lumbar   ROM   and      functional   and   reduction of pain among chronic low back pain participants. KEYWORDS: CLBP, myofascial Trigger point, TENS & DN. References 1 . AnderssonGB.Epidemiological features of chronic lowback pain.Lancet1999;354(9178):581-5. 2 . Ahern   DK   Follick   MJ,   Council   JR,   Laser-Wolston   N,   Litchman   H.   Comparison   of   lumbar   paravertebral   EMG   patterns   in   chronic   low   back   pain   patients   and non-patient controls. Pain 1988; 34(2):153-60. 3 . Waddell G. The Back Pain Revolution. Edinburgh; Churchill-Livingstone; 1998. 4 . Gerwin RD. Classification, epidemiology and natural history of myofascial pain syndrome. Curr Pain Headache Rep 2001; 5 :412–20. 5 . Laura Perry . 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International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research ISSN (O): 2321-1822  ISSN (P): 2321-8975 Volume 4 |Issue 6 |  2016 Date of Publication:  15 November 2016 http://ijmhr.org/ijpr.html editor_physiotherapy@hotmail.com HOME ABOUT US EDITORIAL BOARD AUTHOR GUIDELINES SPECIAL SERVICES CONTACT US