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International Journals of Medical and Health Research(IJMHR) is an open access, peer-reviewed, online and print journals, emphasizing on providing the base line data for the academic, clinical and research areas in the field of Medical and Health Research.
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About International Journals of Medical and Health Research

International Journals of Medical and Health Research (IJMHR), is Published by IMED Research Publications, founded by the group of medical professionals to provide an open access to the scientific materials (articles) in medical and health research without any financial barriers.

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International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research

International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research (IJPR) is an Open Access, Peer Reviewed, Bimonthly Publishing Online and Print Journal, Issues will be Publishing on February 11th, April 11th, June 11th, August 11th, October 11th and December 11th of every year.

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           International Journal of           Anatomy and Research

International Journal of Anatomy and Research (IJAR) is an Open Access, Peer Reviewed, Quarterly Publishing Online and Print Journal, Issues will be Publishing on March 31st, June 30th, September 30th and December 31th of every year.

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We very glad to inform you that day by day our reviewer panel extending and they are responding us immediately that enhance the review process.

Our Unique features

International Journals of Medical and Health Research (IJMHR), is an open access, peer-reviewed, Online/Print Journals

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Inviting Manuscript for our upcoming issue (International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research (IJPR))

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Inviting Manuscript for our upcoming issue (International Journal of Anatomy and Research (IJAR))

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