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How   to   cite   this   Article:    H.V.   Ambade,   D.   D.   Ksheersagar,   A.P.   Kasote.    DERMATOGLYPHIC   C-LINE   PATTERN   OF   PALM   IN   CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE.  Int J Anatomy Res 2016;4(4):3020-3024. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2016.289.
Type of Article: Original Research DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2016.289 Page No.:  3020-3024
DERMATOGLYPHIC C-LINE PATTERN OF PALM IN CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE H.V. Ambade * 1 , D. D. Ksheersagar 2 , A.P. Kasote 3 . * 1  Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, Government Medical College, Nagpur, Maharashtra State, India.  2  Professor and Head, Department of Anatomy, N.K.P Salve Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Nagpur, Maharashtra State, India. 3  Professor, Department of Anatomy, Government Medical College, Nagpur, Maharashtra State, India.  Corresponding   Address:    Dr.   Hemlata   Ambade,   Plot   No   3,   Narkesri   Apartment,   RPTS   Road,   Laxmi   Nagar,   Nagpur   (Pin   Code-   440022),   Maharashtra   State, India. E-Mail:  hemachimne@gmail.com ABSTRACT: Dermatoglyphics   as   a   diagnostic   aid   is   now   well   established   in   number   of   diseases,   which   have   strong   hereditary   basis.   Few   literatures   are   available   in relation   to   dermatoglyphic   finger   ridge   patterns   in   myocardial   infarction,   but   none   of   the   studies   has   focused   on   dermatoglyphic   C-line   pattern   of   the palm.   The   C-line   is   one   of   the   four   Main   Line   of   the   palm   which   shows   true   polymorphism.   The   present   study   is   attempted   to   find   out   correlation   between dermatoglyphic   C-line   pattern   of   palm   and   coronary   artery   disease   which   is   also   influenced   by   genetic   predisposition.   Depending   on   the   termination   of   C- line   of   the   palm,   it   is   classified   in   to   four   types   namely   radial,   ulnar,   proximal   and   absent.   In   the   present   study,   bilateral   inked   palmar   impressions   of   150 patients   of   angiographically   proven   Coronary   Artery   Disease   (CAD)   were   compared   with   equal   number   of   controls   for   dermatoglyphic   C-line   pattern   of palm.   The   C-line   terminates   frequently   on   radial   side   of   palm   followed   by   ulnar   side   in   both   sexes   and   both   sides.      The   frequency   of   radial   type   of   C-line   is decreased   in   both   sexes   and   right   hand   (P<0.05)   in   CAD,   while   frequency   of   absent   type   is   increased   in   both   sexes   (P<0.001   in   male)   and   both   hands (P<0.01   in   right   hand   and   P<0.05   in   left   hand)   in   CAD   as   compared   to   controls.   The   frequency   of   ulnar   type   is   increased   in   females   and   right   hand   in   CAD. 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Volume 4 |Issue 4.2 |  2016 Date of Publication:  30 November 2016