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How   to   cite   this   Article:    Paramita   Mukhopadhyay,   Lopamudra   Mandal,   Biswajit   Das,   Parijat   Mukherjee .   STUDY   OF   ANTHROPOMETRIC MEASUREMENTS   TO   ASSESS   GROWTH   PATTERN   OF   CHILDREN   AT   THE   AGE   OF   TWO   TO   THREE   YEARS   WITH   HISTORY   OF   PREMATURE BIRTH . Int J Anatomy Res 2016;4(4):2914-2920. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2016.369.
Type of Article: Original Research DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2016.369 Page No.:  2914-2920
STUDY   OF   ANTHROPOMETRIC   MEASUREMENTS   TO   ASSESS   GROWTH   PATTERN   OF   CHILDREN   AT   THE   AGE   OF   TWO   TO   THREE   YEARS WITH HISTORY OF PREMATURE BIRTH Paramita Mukhopadhyay 1 , Lopamudra Mandal * 2 , Biswajit Das 3 , Parijat Mukherjee 4 . 1  MD, Assistant Professor, Dept .  of Anatomy, Nil Ratan Sircar  Medical College, Kolkata, India. *2  MD, Associate Professor, Dept .  of Anatomy,Nil Ratan Sircar  Medical College, Kolkata, India. 3  MD, Assistant Professor, Dept .  of Paediatrics, Maldah Medical College, Kolkata, India. 4 MBBS, Post Graduate Trainee, Dept .  of Anatomy, North Bengal  Medical College, Shushrutnagar, Darjeeling, India. Correspondence      Address:      Dr.Lopamudra      Mandal,      Geetanjali      Apartment,Flat      3B,      86/13,Brojen      Mukherjee      Road,      Kolkata      7000034,      India.                                          E-Mail:  drlopamudradhali@yahoo.com ABSTRACT Background : The aim was to depict any existing difference between the growth of children with history of prematurity from that of the control population. Materials   and   Methods :   A   case   control   study   was   conducted   in   R.G.Kar   Medical   College,   Kolkata   among   240   children(120   cases   and   120   controls)   to   assess the   effect   of   prematurity   on   the   growth   of   children   aged   two   and   three   years   by   using   anthropometric   parameters   We   measured   height,   weight,   head circumference, chest circumference and mid upper arm circumference on both cases and controls (in both age groups and sexes). Results :   Comparison   of   respective   data   was   done   from   same   age   and   gender   groups   of   cases   and   controls   using   students   t   test.   The   study   suggested   that statistically   significant   differences   exist   between   cases   and   controls   regarding   chest   circumference   in   two   year   age   group   and   height   in   both   two   and   three years age group in both males and females. Conclusion : The results indicate that prematurity does affect the growth of children at least upto three years. KEY WORDS: Growth, Prematurity, Anthropometry. References 1 . Ramesh   Agarwal,Naveen   Sankhyam,Vandana   Jain.   Normal   growth   and   its   Disorders.In:Essential   Pediatrics.8 th    Ed;New   Delhi   CBS   Publishers   and distributors Pvt.Ltd.2013,p-7 2 . Short JR.The Child.In:A textbook for the paediatric team.Bristol,John Wright & Sons Ltd.1971:57-60 3 . 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Volume 4 |Issue 4.1 |  2016 Date of Publication:  31 October 2016