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How   to   cite   this   Article:    Amal   Yousif   Ahmed   Elhag   Mustafa,      Abdullah   Glil   Alkushi,      Wardah   Abdullah   Mohammed   Alasmari,   Ashraf Mohamed   Elsayed   Ali   Sakran,      Asma   Mohammed.   Elamin .   ANATOMICAL   STUDY   OF   THE   ACCESSORY   HEADS   OF   THE   DEEP   FLEXOR MUSCLES OF THE FOREARM (GANTZER MUSCLES) . Int J Anatomy Res 2016;4(4):2984-2987. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2016.389.
Type of Article: Original Research DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2016.389 Page No.:  2984-2987
ANATOMICAL STUDY OF THE ACCESSORY HEADS OF THE DEEP FLEXOR MUSCLES OF THE FOREARM (GANTZER MUSCLES) Amal   Yousif   Ahmed   Elhag   Mustafa   *,      Abdullah   Glil   Alkushi,      Wardah   Abdullah   Mohammed   Alasmari,   Ashraf   Mohamed   Elsayed   Ali   Sakran,      Asma Mohammed. Elamin. Department of Human Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, Umm al Qura University, Makkaha, Saudi Arabia. Correspondence   Address:    Dr.   Amal   Yousif   Ahmed   Elhag   Mustafa,   Department   of   Human   Anatomy,   Faculty   of   Medicine,   Umm   al   Qura   University,   Makkaha, Saudi Arabia. E-Mail:  amaalahmed50@yahoo.com ABSTRACT: Background   and   Objectives:   Proper   knowledge   of   muscular   variations   is   essential   not   only   for   anatomists   but   also   for   surgeons.   Forearm   flexors   are   known to   exhibit   such   variations.   Such   anomalous   muscle   bellies   should   be   kept   in   mind   while   approaching   the   forearm   for   FDS   tendon   transfer   and   other   surgical procedures around it. Materials   and   Methods:    The   present   study   was   consisted   of   20   upper   limbs.   The   dissections   were   carried   out   in   all   the   limbs   on   the   right   and   left   sides.   All the   muscles   were   examined   for   their   presence,   position,   and   their   attachments,   and   then   the   superficial   compartment   was   cut   to   expose   the   deep compartment muscles; If any abnormality was found in the muscular pattern, it was recorded in detail and photographed. Result:   The   incidence   of   the   Gantzer   muscle   was   detected   in   9   (45%)   of   the   20   dissected   forearms,   three   of   these   cases   presented   duplicated   muscle bellies.   It   originated   from   the   medial   epicondyle   in   8(88.9%),   and   from   the   coronoid   process   of   ulna   in   1(11.1%)   of   cases.   It      was   inserted   in   the   flexor pollicis   lungus   in   9(75%)      and   in   the   flexor   digitorum   profundus   in   3   (25%).   In   this   study   the   Gantzer   muscle   was   innervated   by   the   anterior   interosseous nerve which crosses posterior to the muscle in all cases. The muscle was 11.022 cm in length and 0.55 cm in width.  Conclusion: This study will supplement our knowledge on the possible variations of the muscles in this region, which would be useful for hand surgeons. KEY WORDS: Gantzer muscle, anomalous, variations. References 1 . Wood J. Variations in humam myology. 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Volume 4 |Issue 4.1 |  2016 Date of Publication:  31 October 2016