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How   to   cite   this   Article:    M.   Veeramuthu,   Ravi   varman,   Shalini,   Manoranjitham.    MORPHOMETRIC   ANALYSIS   OF   INFRAORBITAL   FORAMEN AND    INCIDENCE    OF    ACCESSORY    FORAMEN    AND    ITS    CLINICAL    IMPLICATIONS    IN    DRY    ADULT    HUMAN    SKULL.     Int    J    Anatomy    Res 2016;4(4):2993-3000. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2016.391.
Type of Article: Original Research DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2016.391 Page No.:  2993-3000
MORPHOMETRIC     ANALYSIS     OF     INFRAORBITAL     FORAMEN     AND     INCIDENCE     OF     ACCESSORY     FORAMEN     AND     ITS     CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS IN DRY ADULT HUMAN SKULL M. Veeramuthu * 1 , Ravi varman 2 , Shalini 3 , Manoranjitham 4 .   *1 Tutor, Department of Anatomy, Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Medical College & Hospital, 2 Athiparasakthi Melmaruvathur Dental College, Tamil Nadu, India. 3  Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Medical College & Hospital, Tamil Nadu, India. 4  Professor, Department of Anatomy, Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Medical College & Hospital, Tamil Nadu, India. Correspondence   Address:   Mr.   M.   Veeramuthu,   Dhanalakshmi   Srinivasan   Medical   College   &   Hospital,   Siruvachur,   Perambalur–   621   113,   Tamil   Nadu,   India.   E-Mail:  veera3071985@gmail.com. ABSTRACT Background :   Effective   pain   control   in   dentistry   may   be   achieved   by   local   anaesthetic   techniques;   so   thorough   knowledge   of   the   possible   anatomical   and morphometric   variations   of   the   infra   orbital   foramen   and   accessory   foramen   is   important   for   safe   and   successful   regional   anesthesia   and   for   avoiding   nerve injuries during surgery. Materials   and   Methods :   The   study   was   conducted   in   105   adult   dry   skulls.      The   distance   from   infraorbital   foramen   to   infra   orbital   margin,   lateral   margin   of the    pyriform    aperture,    anterior    nasal    spine,    zygomatic    maxillary    suture,    supra    orbital    foramen/    notch,    and    the    maxillary    tooth    were    measured.      Measurements   were   done   bilaterally   by   using   digital   Vernier   calliper.   The   size,   shape,   direction   of   the   infra   orbital   Foramen   (IOF)   on   both   sides   &   the prevalence   of   accessory   IOF   were   observed      and   analysed   in   the   skulls.   Observations   thus   made   were   compiled   and   tabulated   followed   by   comparison   using appropriate statistical tests.   Results:    Mean   distance   of   infraorbital   foramen   from   infraorbital   margin   was   7.0±   1.64   mm,   the   mean   distance   between   the   infraorbital   foramen   and   the piriform   aperture   was   17.5   ±2.84mm.   Mean   distance   of   infra   orbital   foramen   from   Anterior   Nasal   Spine   and   Zygomatic   maxillary   suture   was   33.07±      3.43mm and   16.48±   2.80   mm   respectively.   Mean   distance   from   supraorbital   foramen/notch   was   42.32   ±   2.51mm.   The   most   common   occurrence   was   semilunar   shape (37%)      followed      by   oval   shape   (29%),round   shape   (22%)and   slit   shape(12%).The   mean   vertical   diameter   of   infra   orbital   foramen   was   3.78   ±   1.03mm   and transverse   diameter   was   3.87±1.52mm.The   most   common   position   of   infra   orbital   foramen   on   right   side   was   in   line   of   long   axis      in      between   1 st    and   2 nd    upper premolar(26%)   and   on   left   side   at   2 nd    upper   premolar   (32%).The   prevalence   of   accessory   infraorbital   foramen   was   24.28%,   while   bilateral   occurrence   was only 9.5%   and 14.76 % it was unilateral. Conclusion:    The   findings   of   the   present   study   can   be   helpful   for   clinicians   when   utilizing   the   infraorbital   nerve   block   for   various   procedures   in   localizing   the infraorbital foramen. KEY WORDS : Infra orbital foramen, (IOF) Accessory Infra orbital foramen, Infra orbital Nerve block. References 1 . Standring   S,      Borley      NR,      Collins   P   ,      Crossman   AR,      Gatzoulis      MA,   Healy      JC,   et   al.   Gray’s   Anatomy:   The   Anatomical   Basis   of   Clinical   Pra      ce.40 th    ed Philadelphia:Churchill Livingstone Elsevier; 2008.p.409. 2 . McMinn RMH. Pterygopalatine fossa. In: Sinnatamby CS, ed.Last’s Anatomy, Regional and Applied. London: Churchill Livingstone, 1990:451-67. 3 . Williams PL, Warwick R, Dyson M, et al. The cranial nervesneurology. In: Gray’s Anatomy. 37th ed. London: ChurchillLivingstone, 1989:1094-120. 4 . 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Volume 4 |Issue 4.1 |  2016 Date of Publication:  31 October 2016