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How   to   cite   this   Article:    Gayatri   Jayan,   Komala.Nanjundaiah.    STUDY   OF   SUPRA   TROCHLEAR      FORAMEN   AND   ITS   CLINICAL   IMPLICATIONS.   Int J Anatomy Res 2016;4(4):3040-3043. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2016.397.
Type of Article: Original Research DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2016.397 Page No.:  3040-3043
STUDY OF SUPRA TROCHLEAR  FORAMEN AND ITS CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS Gayatri Jayan 1 , Komala.Nanjundaiah * 2 . *1 3 rd  year Undergraduate, M.S.Ramaiah Medical College, Bangalore, Karnataka, India. 2  Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy, M.S.Ramaiah Medical College, Bangalore, Karnataka, India. Address   for   the   correspondence:      Dr.Komala.Nanjundaiah,    Associate   Professor,   Department   of   Anatomy,   M.S.Ramaiah   Medical   College,   MSRIT   Post, Bangalore-560054, Karnataka, India. E-Mail:  komas2001@yahoo.com ABSTRACT Introduction:   Supra   trochlear   foramen   is   located   on   a   thin   bony   septum   that   separates   the   anterior   coronoid   fossa   and   posterior   olecranon   fossa   at   the lower   end   of   the   humerus.   Presence   of   this   foramen   makes   it   difficult   for   procedures   such   as   inter   medullary   nailing   of   the   humerus.   The   knowledge   of   this foramen   is   important   for   orthopaedicians   for   pre-operative   planning   of   the   treatment   of   supracondylar   fracture   of   the   humerus.      It   is   also   important   for radiologists as it may be misinterpreted as an osteolytic lesion. Materials   and   Methods:   114   dried   humerus   specimens   were   studied   in   the   Department   of   Anatomy,   M.S.Ramaiah   Medical   College,   Bangalore.   The   shape of the foramen was noted. The vertical and transverse diameters were measured. The obtained data was tabulated and analysed. Results:   Out   of      114   humeri   studied,   the   supratrochlear   foramen   was   found   in   31   bones.   The   incidence   of   the   foramen   is   27%.   The   common   shapes   of   the foramen   seen   were      irregular,   oval,   triangular   and   round.   The   mean   transverse   diameter   of   STF   is   6.13   mm   and   6.61   mm,   its   vertical   diameter   is   4.24   mm and 4.34 mm on left and right sides respectively. Conclusion:    Presence    or    absence    of    supra    trochlear    foramen    is    important    to    clinicians    during    preoperative    planning    of    surgeries.    Knowledge    of supratrochlear foramen is essential to avoid misinterpretation of radiographs.  KEY WORDS:   Humerus, Supratrochlear foramen, Fractures. References 1 . Mayuri.J, Aparna.T, Pradeep P, Smita.M. Anatomical study of Supratrochlear foramen of Humerus. Journal of research in Medical and Dental Science.2013;1(2):33-35. 2 . Sunday.O.O,   Olusegun   O.S,   Oluwabunmi   B   M.   The   supratrochlear   foramen   of   the   humerus:   Implications   for   intramedullary   nailing   in   distal   humerus.      Journal   of   Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare. 2014; 4(7):136-139. 3 . Arunkumar K R. Morphological  study of supra-trochlear foramen of humerus and its clinical implications. International  journal of anatomy and research.2015; (3):1321-25. 4 . Banu P S, Shankar K D, Anatomical note of supratrochlear foramen of humerus in south costal population. Narayana Medical Journal. 2012;1(2)28-34. 5 . Nayak   S   R,   Das   S,   Krishna   Murthy   A,   Prabhu   L   V,   Potu   B   K.   Supratrochlear      foramen      of   the   humerus.   An   anatomico-radiological   study   with   clinical   implications.   Upsala Journal of Medical Sciences. 2009;114:90-94. 6 . Varalakshmi   K.L,   Shetty   S,   Sulthana.Q.   Study   of   supra-trochlear   foramen   of   humerus   and   its   clinical   importance.IOSR-Journal   of   Dental   and   Medical   Sciences.2014; 13(7):69-70. 7 . Paraskevas   G   K,   Papazigos   B,   Tzaveas   A,   Giaglis   G,   Kitsoulis   P,   &   Natsis   K.   The   supratrochlear      foramen   of   the   humerus   and   its   relation   to   the   medullary   canal:   a   potential surgical application.Med Sci Momt. 2010;16(4):119-123. 8 . Adibatti M, Asha K. A study of olecranon-coronoid septal aperture. Indian journal of clinical anatomy and physiology. 2015;2(1): 37-41. 9. Patel S, Sutaria L K, Nayak T V, Kanjiya D P, Patel B M, Arterkar S H. Morphometric study of supratrochlear foramen of humerus. International journal of biomedical and advance research.2013;4(2):89-91.
Volume 4 |Issue 4.2 |  2016 Date of Publication:  30 November 2016