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Type of Article: Original Research DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2016.398 Page No.:  3044-3047
DETERMINATION OF SEX FROM ADULT HUMAN FEMUR FROM SOUTH GUJARAT REGION Deepak S. Howale 1 , Mehul R. Tandel * 2 ,  Manish R. Ramawat 3 ,  Dnyanesh P. Pandit 4 , Mahesh B. Madole 5 1   Professor &Head Department of Anatomy, GMERS Medical    College, Valsad, India. * 2  Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, Pramukhswami,  Medical College, Karamsad, Anand, Gujarat, India. 3  Professor and Head Department of Physiology, GMERS Medical College, Dharpur-Patan, India.  4  Professor &Head Department of Physiology, GMERS Medical College, Valsad, India.  5  Associate Professor, Department of Biochemistry, GMERS  Medical College, Valsad, India.  Corresponding   author:    Dr   Mehul   R   Tandel,   Assistant   Professor,   Department   of   Anatomy,   Pramukhswami   Medical   College,   Karamsad,   Anand,   Gujarat   388325, India. Contact No: (+91) 9558568679  E-Mail: mehulrtandel@gmail.com ABSTRACT: Introduction:    Assessment   of   human   sex   from   skeletal   parts   is   important   in   anthropology,   archaeology,   paleoanthropology,   comparative   anatomy   and forensic   medicine   where   it   provides   accurate   information   to   medico-legal   information.      Hence   this   study   was   taken   to   determine   the   sex   from   femur. Determination   of   sex   from   skeletal   remains   is   an   important   component   in   the   identification   but   sometimes   becomes   difficult   to   the   forensic   expert especially   when   the   pelvis   is   absent.   The   sex   identification   by   the   fingerprint   systems   and   DNA   tests   are   the   best   methods.   Sex   determination   carried   out from   the   male   and   female   femur   bones   is   accurate   in   ninety   percent   of   cases   than   in   cases   of   adult   pelvis   or   skull.   Various   studies   demonstrated   the   metric assessment of sex to differentiate in races and regions in the populations. Aim:  This study was conducted for metric standards of sex determination by femur measurements. Materials and Methods: Osteometric data were obtained from the 100 adults femurs (50 males and 50 females). Results:  Values of female femur are slightly higher than males. Conclusion:   We   have   used   either   univariate   or   multivariate   analysis   for   sexual   dimorphism   of   femur,   this   is   a   statistical   technique   which   has   proven   to   have a   high   utility   in   studies   of   sex   determination   [1].   With   the   help   of   seven   standard   parameters   using   the   maximum   length,   maximum   diameter   of   head, midshaft   circumference,   maximum   antero-posterior   diameter   of   medial   and   lateral   epicondyle   and   bicondylar   width   showed   significant   differences   in   male and female femur with accuracy of 90.2%. This result clearly indicated the importance of these variables in identification of sex from femur [2]. KEY WORDS: Femur, Sex determination, Osteometric data, Midshaft circumference, Head circumference. References 1 . 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How    to    cite    this    Article:     Deepak    S.    Howale,    Mehul    R.    Tandel,    Manish    R.    Ramawat,    Dnyanesh    P.    Pandit,    Mahesh    B.    Madole.   DETERMINATION   OF   SEX   FROM   ADULT   HUMAN   FEMUR   FROM   SOUTH   GUJARAT   REGION.    Int   J   Anatomy   Res   2016;4(4):3044-3047.   DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2016.398.
Volume 4 |Issue 4.2 |  2016 Date of Publication:  30 November 2016