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How    to    cite    this    Article:     Amar    Singh    L,    Lakshmikanta    B    M.     BILATERAL    VARIATION    IN    THE    ORIGIN    OF    OBTURATOR    ARTERY,    ITS DIMENSIONS,   PHYLOGENY   AND   CLINICAL   SIGNIFICANCE:   A   CADAVERIC   STUDY   AND   REVIEW.    Int   J   Anatomy   Res   2016;4(4):3048-3051.   DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2016.399.
Type of Article: Original Research DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2016.399 Page No.:  3048-3051
BILATERAL   VARIATION   IN   THE   ORIGIN   OF   OBTURATOR   ARTERY,   ITS   DIMENSIONS,   PHYLOGENY   AND   CLINICAL   SIGNIFICANCE:   A CADAVERIC STUDY AND REVIEW Amar Singh L* 1 , Lakshmikanta B M 2 . *1 Associate professor, Department of Anatomy, International Medical School, MSU, Bangalore Campus, Karnataka, India 2 Associate professor, Department of Anatomy, DM Wayanad Institute of Medical Sciences, Kerala, India Corresponding   Author   Address:   Dr   Amar   Singh   L,   Associate   Professor,   Department   of   Anatomy,   International   Medical   School,   MSU,   Bangalore   campus, New BEL road, MSRIT post, Bangalore-560054, Karnataka, India. Cell: 09901042452 E-Mail:  drmjamar34@gmail.com ABSTRACT: Introduction:    Obturator   artery   usually   arises   from   anterior   division   of   internal   iliac   artery.   Variations   in   its   origin   and   course   can   lead   to   unnecessary   exploratory   surgery and complications during laparoscopic herniorrhaphy procedures. Aim:  The aim of the present study is to observe the variations in the origin and course of Obturator artery. Material   and   methods:    Forty   (40)   adult   human   pelvic   halves   of   known   sexes   were   studied   to   note   down   the   variations   in   the   origin,   course   and   dimensions   of   Obturator artery. Results:   In   39   (97.5%)   of   the   specimens   Obturator   artery   was   found   to   be   arising   normally   from   the   anterior   division   of   internal   iliac   artery,   were   as   in   one   (2.5%)   of   the specimen it was found to be arising bilaterally from the posterior division of internal iliac artery. Conclusions:   A   good   knowledge   about   the   normal   anatomy   and   the   variation   in   the   origin   and   dimensions   of   the   Obturator   artery   is   essential   as   it   reduces   the   surgical complications during pelvic surgeries. KEY WORDS: Obturator artery, variations, posterior division of internal iliac artery, clinical significance. References 1 . Williams   PL,   Bannister   LH,   Berry   MM,   Collins,   Dyson   M,   Dussek   JE,   Ferguson   MWJ,   Gray’s   Anatomy.   The   anatomical   basis   of   medicine   and   surgery.38th   Ed.   Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh, 1995;1560. 2 . Snell’s RS. 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Volume 4 |Issue 4.2 |  2016 Date of Publication:  30 November 2016