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How   to   cite   this   Article:    Hrishikesh   Talukdar,   Santosh   Kumar   Sahu.    A   MORPHOLOGICAL   STUDY   ON   FALLOPIAN   TUBE.    Int   J   Anatomy   Res 2016;4(4):3066-3071. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2016.403.
Type of Article: Original Research DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2016.403 Page No.:  3066-3071
A MORPHOLOGICAL STUDY ON FALLOPIAN TUBE Hrishikesh Talukdar 1 , Santosh Kumar Sahu * 2 . 1 Demonstrator of Anatomy, Gauhati Medical College and Hospital, Guwahati, Assam, India. *2  Demonstrator of Anatomy, Jorhat Medical College and Hospital, Jorhat, Assam, India. Corresponding   Author   Address:   Dr.   Santosh   Kumar   Sahu,    Demonstrator   of   Anatomy,   Jorhat   Medical   College   and   Hospital,   Jorhat,   Assam,   India.   mobile- 9954935102 E-Mail:  dr.santoshgmc@gmail.com ABSRACT Background   and   Aims:   The    fallopian   tubes ,   also   known   as,   uterine    tubes ,   are   pair   of   fine   tubes    leading   from   the   ovaries   of   female   mammals   into   the uterus,   via   the   uterotubal   junction.    Optimal   fallopian   tube   function   is   necessary   to   provide   a   proper   environment   for   early   human   life.   Fallopian   tube   plays an   essential   role   in   gamete   transport,   fertilization   and   the   early   development   of   the   embryo   which   can   be   affected   by   a   wide   range   of   factors   and conditions   that   may   impair   fertility.   The   study   of   normal   morphological   structure   of   fallopian   tube   in   different   age   groups   may   help   in   different   disease condition of fallopian tube. Materials   and   Methods:   The   study   focused   on   morphological   study   of   the    fallopian   tube,   the   specimens   were   divided   in   three   age   groups   (0   to   13   years,   14 to 49 years and ≥50 years) with 10 specimen each group. Results: The   average   length   of   the   fallopian   tube   was   found   to   be 7.89   cm   in   left   and   7.65   cm,   in   right,   10.5   cm   in   left   and   10.27   cm   in   right   and   9.87   cm   in left   and   9.57cm   in   right      respectively,   while   the   average   outer    diameter   of   left   and   right   side   were   at   isthmus   3.01   mm   and   2.85   mm,   6.87   mm   and   6.05   mm and   6.18   mm   and   5.33   mm   respectively,   average   outer   diameter   of   left   and   right   side   were   at   ampulla   4.78   mm   and   4.43   mm,   10.56   mm   and   9.25   mm   and 9.24   mm   and   8.23   mm   respectively,   average   outer   diameter   of   left   and   right   side   were   at   infundibulum   were   3.63   mm   and   3.44   mm,   9.39   mm   and   8.24   mm and 7.69 mm and 7.02 mm respectively in different age groups. Conclusion:   The   length   and   outer   diameter   showed   significant   difference   in   right   and   left   side   and   in   different   age   groups.   Knowledge   of   normal   values might be helpful in different disease condition of the fallopian tube. KEY WORDS: morphology, fallopian tube, uterotubal junction. References 1 . Hunter   RH,   Léglise   PC.   Tubal   surgery   in   the   rabbit:   fertilization   and   polyspermy   after   resection   of   the   isthmus.   American   Journal   of   Anatomy. 1971;132:45–52. 2 . Ross   MH,   Pawlina   W.   From   female   reproductive   system.   In   Histology   a   Text   and Atlas   with   Correlated   Cell   and   Molecular   Biology.   6 th    edition.   New York: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.  2011:  847. 3 . Rhoades AR, Bell RD. From Medical Physiology. In Principles for Clinical Medicine, 4 th  edition.  New York:  Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 2013:696. 4 . Shan, N. and Khan N. 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Volume 4 |Issue 4.2 |  2016 Date of Publication:  30 November 2016