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How   to   cite   this   Article:    Vijaianand   M,   Ravichandran   Doraiswamy.    SESAMOIDS   OF   THE   FEET:   A   CADAVERIC   STUDY   ON   THE   INCIDENCE AND MORPHOLOGY IN SOUTH INDIAN POPULATION.  Int J Anatomy Res 2016;4(4):3092-3096. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2016.410.
Type of Article: Original Research DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2016.410 Page No.:  3092-3096
SESAMOIDS OF THE FEET: A CADAVERIC STUDY ON THE INCIDENCE AND MORPHOLOGY IN SOUTH INDIAN POPULATION Vijaianand M * 1 , Ravichandran Doraiswamy 2 . * 1  Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, Karpagam Faculty Of Medical Sciences and Research, Coimbatore, India. 2  Professor, Department of Anatomy, Karpagam Faculty Of Medical Sciences and Research, Coimbatore, India . Corresponding   author   Address:   Dr.   Vijaianand   M,   Assistant   Professor   of   Anatomy,   KFMSR,   Coimbatore,   7,   Tarun   kudil,   IK   garden,   Gokul   Nagar   Annexe, Chinnathirupathi, Salem-636008, Tamil Nadu, India. Mobile: (0) 9655246467   E-Mail:  dr.vijaitarun7474@gmail.com ABSTRACT Background:    Sesamoid   bones   are   tiny   seed   like   bones   embedded   in   the   tendons   or   joint   capsule.   They   prevent   friction   and   protect   the   tendons   from   direct injuries.   The   largest   sesamoid   bone,   the   patella   is   given   much   importance   when   compared   to   the   sesamoids   of   the   feet.   The   sesamoids   of   the   feet   are classified    into-hallucal    sesamoids,    lesser    toe    sesamoids    of    the    metatarsophalangeal    joints    of    2 nd     through    5 th     toe    and    lesser    toe    sesamoids    of    the interphalangeal   joints   of   2 nd    through   5 th    toe.   The   sesamoids   show   bipartism   which   can   often   be   mistaken   for   fractures   in   radiographs.   The   incidence   and morphology   of   the   sesamoid   bones   in   South   Indian   population   is   hitherto   unreported.   The   present   study   aims   to   assess   the   incidence   of   sesamoid   bone and their morphological features in South Indian population by dissection method . Materials   and   Methods:   46   lower   limbs   were   utilized   for   the   present   study.   Of   which   23   belonged   to   right   and   23   belonged   to   left.   By   standard   dissection methods the sesamoids of the feet were exposed. Their occurrence, shape, partition, fragmentation and size were macroscopically noted. Results:    The   incidence   of   hallucal   sesamoids   was   100%.   Bipartism   in   hallucal   sesamoids   was   noted   to   be   4.3%.   Hallucal   sesamoids   of   the   interphalangeal joint   was   15.2   %.   Sesamoid   of   the   fifth   toe   (metatarsophalangeal)   was   6.5%.   The   average   diameter   of   the   hallucal   sesamoids,   interphalangeal   sesamoid   of the hallux, metatarsophalangeal sesamoid of the 5 th  toe was 9mm, 5mm and 2mm respectively. All the sesamoids were semi-oval in shape Conclusion:    The   importance   of   sesamoid   in   clinical   practice   is   often   under   estimated.   Bipartite   sesamoids   are   often   mistaken   for   fractures.   Chronic sesamoiditis   and      osteonecrosis   are   common   differential   diagnoses   in   chronic   foot   pain   involving   the   ball   of   the   toes.   The   present   study   discusses   the clinical importance, incidence and morphology of the sesamoids of the feet. KEY WORD: Sesamoids, Hallucal, Metatarsophalangeal, Fractures, Osteonecrosis. References 1 . Van Dam Scott BE, Dye F,Wilbur Westin G. Etymology and the Orthopaedic Surgeon: Onomasticon(Vocabulary)lowa Orthop J.,1991;11:84-90. 2 . Inge GAL,Ferguson AB.Surgery of the sesamoid bones of the great toe. Arch Surg.,1933;27466-88. 3 . 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Volume 4 |Issue 4.2 |  2016 Date of Publication:  30 November 2016