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How   to   cite   this   Article:    Ajay   Babu.   Kannabathula,   Gunjan      Rai,   K.   C.   Singh.    UNILATERAL   DOUBLE   PELVIS   BIFID   URETER   ASSOCIATED WITH MULTIPLE VARIATIONS OF RENAL VESSELS.  Int J Anatomy Res 2016;4(4):3100-3104. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2016.412.
Type of Article: Original Research DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2016.412 Page No.:  3100-3104
UNILATERAL    DOUBLE    PELVIS    BIFID    URETER    ASSOCIATED    WITH    MULTIPLE    VARIATIONS    OF    RENAL VESSELS Ajay Babu. Kannabathula * 1 , Gunjan  Rai 2 , K. C. Singh 3 . *1 Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, Heritage Institute of Medical Sciences, Varanasi, U.P, India. 2  Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, Heritage Institute of Medical Sciences, Varanasi, U.P, India. 3  Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, Heritage Institute of Medical Sciences, Varanasi, U.P, India. Address   for   Correspondence:    Mr.   Ajay   Babu   Kannabathula,   Assistant   Professor,      Anatomy   Department   ,   Heritage   Institute   of   Medical      sciences,         Varanasi   -           221311, Uttar Pradesh, India.   E-Mail:  ajaykbabu57@gmail.com ABSTRACT The   development   of   the   renal   vessels   account   for   the   fact   of   the   complicate   development   of   the   kidney.   The   unilateral   bifid   ureter   with   associated   bilateral renal   vascular   variations   in   routine   cadaveric   dissection.   The   bifid   ureter   may   develop   due   to   delayed   development   of   the   metanephric   tissue   or   a   relatively rapid   development   of   the   uretric   bud.   The   anatomical   variations   of   the   renal   collecting   system   associated   with   renal   vessels   are   of   great   importance   for surgical approaches radiology other evaluative methods like cystoscopy and retrograde pyelography and renal transplantation KEY WORDS:  Kidney- Double Renal pelvis - Ureter - Renal Arteries - Renal Veins, Hilar structures variations. References 1 . Lee McGregor’s Synopsis of Surgical Anatomy 12 th  Ed., India, K.M.Varghese Company. 1995. 2 . Anson BJ. In: Morris's Human Anatomy (12th edn.). McGraw Hill, New York, 1996; 1478. 3 . Bergman    RA,    Thomson    SA,    Afifi    AK,    Saadeh    FA.    Compendium    of    Human    Anatomic    Variation.    Baltimore,    Urban    &    Schwarzenberg.    1988; 81–92,171–172. 4 . Siomou   E   et   al.   Duplex   collecting   system   diagnosed   during   the   first   6   years   of   life   after   a   first   urinary   tract   infection:   a   study   of   63   children,   Journal   of Urology 2006;175:678-81. 5 . Inamoto   K,   Tanaka   S,   Takemura   K,   Ikoma   F.   Duplication   of   the   renal   pelvis   and   ureter:   associated   anomalies   and   pathological   conditions.   Radiat   Med 1983;1:55-64. 6 . Pereira-Correia   JA,   Valentim   LS,   Castro   KF,   Gasque   GP,   Celina   AF,   Rosário   CA,   Prinz   RA.   Analysis   of   renal   hilum   extraparenchymal   structures   in   Brazilian adult human cadavers. Euro J. Anat. 2009;13(3):145-53. 7 . Anterpreet K, Verma Poonam, Lalit Manika, et al., Variant segmental renal arteriers in the right kidney – Clinical correlations, Anat Physiol. 2012;2:3 8 . Bayramoglu   A,   Demiryurek   D,   Erbilk   M.   Additional   renal   arteries   and   an   additional   renal   vein   associated   with   unrotated   kidneys.   Sauudi.   Med.journal 2003;24:535-37. 9 . Samul   E,   Miller   DDDDR.   Variations   in   the   renal   vascular   pedicle   (an   anatomical   and   radiological   study   with   interference   to   renal   transplantation)Br   J. Urology. 1961;33:4798-85. 1 0 . LH JR, Flye M W, Seigler H F , Incedence of Anatomical variations in renal vasculature in the presence of normal renal function. Ann Surg 1978;188: 89. 1 1 . Willam P, Lawrence HB, Martin MB et al. In: Gray's Anatomy (38th edn.). Churchill Livingstone, 1995: 1826. 1 2 . Madhyastha S, Suresh R, Rao R. Multiple variations of renal vessels and ureter. Indian J Urol 2001;17:164-5. 1 3 . Nayak BS (2008) Multiple variations of the right renal vessels. Singapore Med J. 2008;49:e153-e155. 1 4 . Satyapal KS. Classification of the drainage patterns of the renal veins. J Anat 1995;186:329-33. 1 5 . Satyapal KS, Kalideen JM, Haffejee AA, Singh B, Robbs JV. Left renal vein variations. Surg Radiol Anat. 1999;21:77-81. 1 6 . Trivedi   S,   Athavale   S,   Kotgiriwar   S.   Normal   and   variant   anatomy   of   renal   hilar   structures   and   its   clinical   significance.   Int.   J.   Morphol.   2011   Dec 1;29(4):1379-83. 1 7 . Das  S. Paul et al.,   Variation of renal hilar structures: A cadaveric case, Eur J Anat, 2006;10(1):41-43.
Volume 4 |Issue 4.2 |  2016 Date of Publication:  30 November 2016