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How    to    cite    this    Article:     Dattatray    Digambarrao    Dombe,    T.    Anitha.     INTRODUCTION    OF    PROBLEM    BASED    LEARNING    AS    A TEACHING–LEARNING TOOL IN ANATOMY TEACHING.  Int J Anatomy Res 2016;4(4):3148-3152. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2016.424.
Type of Article: Original Research DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2016.424 Page No.:  3148-3152
INTRODUCTION OF PROBLEM BASED LEARNING AS A TEACHING–LEARNING TOOL IN ANATOMY TEACHING Dattatray Digambarrao Dombe * 1 , T. Anitha 2 .   *1 Associate   Professor,   Department   of   Anatomy,   Chalmeda      Anandrao   Institute   of   Medical   Sciences,   Bommakal,   Karimnagar,Telangana, India. 2    Professor   and   Head,   Department   of   Anatomy,   Chalmeda      Anandrao   Institute   of   Medical   Sciences,   Bommakal,   Karimnagar,Telangana, India. Correspondence   Address:   Dr.   Dattatray   D.   Dombe,   C/O      Dombe      D.      P.,   Bhagyalaxmi   Nagar,   Near   Shankaracharya   Temple,   Basmat Road, Parbhani, Parbhani ( Maharashtra) , India – 431401 Mobile -09405519678 E-Mail:  drdattadombe79@yahoo.com ABSTRACT Introduction:   Problem   Based   Learning   (PBL)   is   preached   and   practiced   throughout   the   world   in   medical   teaching.   In   India   this method   of   teaching   is   gaining   the   ground.   We   tried   to   take   the   opinion   of   our   students   how   they   perceive   the   PBL   as   a   teaching learning tool. Materials   and   Methods:    A   semi   structured   closed   ended   questionnaire   was   distributed   in   participants   after   the   PBL   session   and   their opinions were evaluated in the percentage scale. Results:    more   that   85   percent   of   our   participants   were   of   opinion   that   PBL   increased   their   understanding   of   the   subject,   it   helped   in the   understanding   the   clinical   applications   of   the   complex   anatomical   concepts.   Time   required   conducting   the   PBL   session   remained the main obstacle in conduction of PBL. Conclusion:    PBL   is   novel   teaching   –learning   tool   appreciated   by   our   participants   but   less   faculty   strength   and   limited   time   in   the   first MBBS   for   First   year   students   raises   a   question   mark   on   implementing   it   on   a   larger   scale.   So,   a   mixed   approach   where   traditional Teaching –Learning methods are mixed with PBL can benefit students and teachers both. KEY WORDS: Problem based learning, First MBBS, Anatomy curriculum. References 1 . 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Volume 4 |Issue 4.2 |  2016 Date of Publication:  30 November 2016