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How   to   cite   this   Article:    Vivek   K   Nirmale,   Mohammad   Laeeque,   Chaya   V.   Diwan.    ASSESSMENT   OF   RELIABILITY   OF   VARIOUS   CRITERIA USED IN ADULT HIP BONE SEX DIFFERENTIATION.  Int J Anatomy Res 2016;4(4):3185-3189. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2016.435.
Type of Article: Original Research DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2016.435 Page No.:  3185-3189
ASSESSMENT OF RELIABILITY OF VARIOUS CRITERIA USED IN ADULT HIP BONE SEX DIFFERENTIATION Vivek K Nirmale * 1 , Mohammad Laeeque 2 , Chaya V. Diwan 3 . *1  Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, M.I.M.E.R. Medical College, Talegaon Dabhade, Pune, Maharashtra, India. 2  Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy, Govt. Medical College, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India. 3  Professor and Head, Department of Anatomy, Dr. Shankarrao Chavan Govt. Medical College, Nanded, Maharashtra, India. corresponding   author:   Dr.   Vivek   Nirmale,      Assistant   Professor,   Anatomy,      M.I.M.E.R.   Medical   College,   Talegaon   Dabhade,   Pune,      Maharashtra      410507,   India. Phone No: +918888891793. E-Mail:  vivnir1101@gmail.com   ABSTRACT Background:    Confirmation   of   the   identity   of   an   individual   from   fragmentary   pieces   of   bones   after   considerable   time   lapsed   since   death   is   very   crucial   in medico   legal   cases.   Hip   bone   is   considered   as   one   of   the   ideal   bones   for   sex   determination   as   it   not   only   reflects   the   general   differences   between   two   sexes but also shows special adaptation of female hip bone for childbearing. Materials   and   Methods:    178   Adult   hip   bones   (54   of   females   and   124   of   males)   of   both   sides   were   examined   with   special   reference   to   chilotic   line   index, Ischiopubic   index   and   Acetabulopubic   index.      All   the   hip   bones   were   dry,   free   of   damage   or   deformity   and   fully   ossified.   The   personal   record   of   all   the   hip bones   for   sex   and   race   are   all   available   with   the   bone   bank   (Govt   Medical   College   Aurangabad).For   all   the   six   parameters   and   three   indices,   we   measured range,   mean,   standard   deviation,   P   value   and   demarcating   points.   All   the   observations   were   tabulated   and   analyzed   statistically   and   compared   with   the previous studies. All the parameters and indices are statistically significant. Observations   and   Results:    It   was   observed   that   when   we   applied   univariate   analysis   only   a   few   numbers   of   hip   bones   were   correctly   identified.   Further   we combined   three   indices   in   a   single   group   and   applied   multivariate   analysis.    From   our   study   it   become   very   clear   that   very   large   number   of   hip   bones   can   be identified correctly i.e. 85.5% of males and 83.3% females (mean 84%). Conclusion: Thus the sex of hip bones can be identified correctly in 84% cases by using these indices.                                   KEY WORDS:  Hip bone,Chilotic line index, Ischiopubic index and Acetabulopubic index. References 1 . Krogman W.M. The Human Skeleton in Forensic Medicine 1962. Charles C. Thomas. Springfield, Ilinois, U.S.A. 2 . Phenice T.W.  A Newly Developed Visual Method of Sexing of Os Pubis. Am. J. of Phys. Anthrop. 1969;30:297-302. 3 . Kelly. 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Volume 4 |Issue 4.3 |  2016 Date of Publication:  31 December 2016