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How   to   cite   this   Article:    Gayathri.   P,   S.Saritha,      T.V.Ramani,   D.   Nagajyothi,   N.Himabindu,   Asra   Anjum.    A   STUDY   OF   MORPHOLOGICAL VARIATIONS   OF   FISSURES   AND   LOBES   IN   HUMAN   CADAVERIC      LUNGS   CORRELATING   WITH   SURGICAL   IMPLICATIONS   IN   THE   TELANGANA ZONE.  Int J Anatomy Res 2016;4(4):3221-3226. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2016.444.
Type of Article: Original Research DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2016.444 Page No.:  3221-3226
A    STUDY    OF    MORPHOLOGICAL    VARIATIONS    OF    FISSURES    AND    LOBES    IN    HUMAN    CADAVERIC        LUNGS    CORRELATING    WITH SURGICAL IMPLICATIONS IN THE TELANGANA ZONE Gayathri. P  *1 , S.Saritha 2 ,  T.V.Ramani 3 , D. Nagajyothi 1 , N.Himabindu 3 , Asra Anjum 3 . *1  Assistant professor, Kamineni Academy  of Medical  Sciences  and Research Centre (KAMSRC), Hyderabad, Telangana, India. 2  Professor& HOD,    Kamineni Academy  of Medical  Sciences  and Research Centre (KAMSRC), Hyderabad, Telangana, India. 3  Lecturers,   Department of Anatomy, Kamineni Academy  of Medical  Sciences  and Research Centre (KAMSRC), Hyderabad, Telangana, India. Corresponding   author:   Dr.   Gayathri.   P,   Kamineni   Academy      of   Medical      Sciences      and   Research   Centre   (KAMSRC),   Nalgonda   Road,   Near   Andhra   Bank, Suryodaya Colony, LB Nagar, Hyderabad, Telangana 500068, India.  E-Mail: dr.gayatri.p@gmail.com. ABSTRACT Introduction:   The   lungs   are   paired   essential   organs   of   respiration   in   humans   and   are   situated   in   the   thoracic   cavity.   The   lungs   are   separated   by   fissures   into 3   lobes   on   the   right   side   and   two   lobes   on   left   side,   which   facilitate   the   movements   in   relation   to   one   another.   An   accurate   interpretation   of   anatomical variations of fissures and lobes are utmost importance for cardiothoracic surgeons, radiologists and physicians. Materials   and   Methods:    50   formalin   fixed   lungs   removed   from   the   cadaver   from   the   department   of   anatomy,   KAMSRC   and   other   medical   colleges   in Telangana   zone,   were   utilised   for   the   study   of   pattern   of   lobation   and   fissures.   Formal   permission   from   concerned   authority   and   institutional   ethical committee was taken. Results:    In   total   25   right   lungs,   8   specimens   showed   variations   in   the   fissures   and   lobes.   17   specimens   showed   the   normal   pattern   of   the   lobes.   In   total   25 left lungs, 3 specimens showed variation in fissure and lobes and remaining 22 had a normal pattern. Conclusion :   A   proper   knowledge   of   variations   of   lobes   and   fissures   in   particular   are   helpful   for   cardiothoracic   surgeons   in   diagnosis   and   resection   of segments and radiologists for accurate radiological interpretation. KEY WORDS: Lung, Oblique fissure, Horizontal fissure, Accessory fissure and Lobes. References 1 . Standring S. Gray’s Anatomy. 39 th  ed. Churchill Livingstone, New York 2005: 945-949. 2 . Godwin JD,Tarver RD. Accessory fissures of the lung. AJR Am J Roentgenol 1985; 144:39-47. 3 . Lung fissures http://radiopedia.org/articles/lung fissures. 4 . Larsen WJ, Sherman LS, Potter SS, Scott WJ. 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Volume 4 |Issue 4.3 |  2016 Date of Publication:  31 December 2016