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How    to    cite    this    Article:     Praveen    Shenoy,    Martin    Lucas,    Vinay    KV,    Amith    Ramos.     MORHOMETRIC    STUDY    OF    SEPTOMARGINAL TRABECULAE (MODERATOR BAND).  Int J Anatomy Res 2016;4(4):3302-3308. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2016.467.
Type of Article: Original Research DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2016.467 Page No.:  3302-3308
MORHOMETRIC STUDY OF SEPTOMARGINAL TRABECULAE (MODERATOR BAND) Praveen Shenoy * 1 , Martin Lucas 2 , Vinay KV 3 , Amith Ramos 4 . *1  Post Graduate, Department of Anatomy, K.S. Hegde Medical Academy, Nitte University, Karnataka, India. 2  Professor & HOD, Department of Anatomy, K.S. Hegde Medical Academy, Nitte University, Karnataka, India. 3  Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy, K.S. Hegde Medical Academy, Nitte University, Karnataka, India. 4  Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, K.S. Hegde Medical Academy, Nitte University, Karnataka, India. Address   for   Correspondence:   Dr.   Praveen   Shenoy,   Post   Graduate,   Department   of   Anatomy,   K.S.   Hegde   Medical   Academy,   Nitte   University,   Karnataka,   India. Mobile No.: +91 9591422543  E-Mail:   shenoy1100@gmail.com ABSTRACT Background   and   objectives:   Septomariginal   trabeculae   or   Moderator   band   is   a   specialized   bridge   connecting   interventricular   septum   to   the   base   of   the anterior   papillary   muscle.   It   contains   Right   Bundle   branch   of   HIS,   it   is   also   Known   to   prevent   the   over   distension   of   the   right   ventricle.   The   literature   review shows   the   paucity   of   articles   related   to   morphological   and   morphometric   evaluation.   Since   it   has   a   great   clinical   importance   its,   further   studies   become Mandatory.   Here   we   have   measured   the   angle   of   the   Moderator   band   to   its   origin   from   the   interventricular   septum   and   the   anterior   papillary   muscle   is measured. The superficial marking of Moderator band on the sternocostal surface of the right ventricle is marked. Materials   and   Methods:   50   Formalin   soaked   cadaveric   Hearts   were   taken   from   the   department   of   Anatomy   of   KSHEMA.   36   Males   and   14   Female   Hearts were   tagged   according   to   ascending   order   of   the   age.   Moderator   band,surface   marking   on   sterocostal   surface   ,   the   angle   with   the   anterior   papillary   Muscle ect are Noted. Result: The morphological variations are noted. The results are compared with gender, with the previous results . Conclusion:   There   is   a   difference   in   the   course   of   moderator   band.   In   60%the   moderator   band   runs   downwards   and   to   the   right,   in   30%   it   is   found   to   be horizontal   and   in   10%   runs   upwards   and   to   the   right.   The   difference   is   found         in   males   and   females.as   well.   The   surface   marking   of   moderator   band   on sternocostal   surface   of   the   heart   measures   more   due   to   the   convexity   of   the   right   ventricular   surface.   This   knowledge   will   help   in   accurate   detection   of   the moderator band by echocardiography and in surgeries. KEY WORDS: Septomarginal trabeculae, Moderator Band, surface marking, Right ventricle. References 1 . Peter L Williams: Grays Anatomy, 39th edition, Churchill Living stone. 2005, pp 1002-3. 2 . 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Volume 4 |Issue 4.3 |  2016 Date of Publication:  31 December 2016