Open Access Policy
In order to ensure maximum reach of International Journal of Anatomy and Research (IJAR) contents, we have adopted the open access policy, meaning that;
Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement:
The publication of a peer-reviewed journal requires continuous work, responsibility, liability, and collaboration from all involved parties: authors, reviewers, chief editor, managing editors, associate editors, editors and board members. The chief editor/ editors have the responsibility of keeping/monitoring the publishing ethics and maintaining the academic record. The Editorial Board assumes their responsibility for verifying the articles of fraudulent data or plagiarism. The editorial team goal is to maintain the publication at the highest publication standards, implying: good quality, original, research-based articles, but also corrections, clarifications, retractions, and apologies, if needed. We appreciate the contributions of every involved party to the work that we publish.
Publication and Authorship:
Authors’ Ethics and Responsibility
Reviewers' responsibilities:
Chief Editor/ Editors' responsibilities
Licensing Policy
To fully realize the potential of open access to research literature, barriers to reuse need to be removed. The Creative Commons (CC) licenses have emerged as an effective legal instrument to achieve this. Instead of transferring rights exclusively to publishers (the approach usually followed in subscription publishing), authors grant a non-exclusive license to the publisher to distribute the work, and all users and readers are granted rights to reuse the work.
CC-BY-NC-SA allows for unrestricted reuse of content, subject only to the requirement that the source work is appropriately attributed. The CC-BY-NC-SA license thereby requires that authors are given appropriate credit for their work, as explained in a recent post from Creative Commons International License.
Terms & Conditions Policy
We shall not take any accountability for the contents of articles published in the journal and all such liability shall lie with the author/s.
The opinions expressed in the articles are exclusively of the author/s and International Journal of Anatomy and Research (IJAR) may not agree with such opinions in part or in full. All the articles submitted for publication in International Journal of Anatomy and Research (IJAR) are peer-reviewed for genuineness, moral issues, and effectiveness.
The decision of the reviewers shall be held final. Authors are solely responsible for the uniqueness of the published work. International Journal of Anatomy and Research (IJAR) shall advocate the highest ethical standards of scientific publications.
Open-access authors retain the copyrights of their papers, However, reproduction of the published material in the part or total in any form is permitted with due acknowledgment of the source as per ethical norms.
Last Updated on 25th March 2020
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